Ementa e Programa Inglês | Letras CL

Ementa e Programa Inglês

DURAÇÃO DO CURSO: 8 semestres


Subject pronouns (I, you, he, etc.); Verb to be affirmative, negative and interrogative; Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, etc.); Indefinite articles (a/an); Singular and plural nouns; Adjectives and modifiers (quite, very, really); Imperatives and let’s; Present simple affirmative, negative and interrogative; Word order in questions and question words/phrases (what, when, where, etc.); Possessive 's, Whose…?, Prepositions of time (at, in, on) and place (at, in, to); Adverbs and expressions of frequency; Greetings, numbers 1 to 100; Days of the week; Countries and nationalities; Personal information and completing an application form; Classroom vocabulary and classroom language; The alphabet; Things, in, on, under; Feelings; Verb phrases; Jobs; Telling the time; Completing a personal profile; Family; Daily routine; Months.

Modal verbs Can/Can’t, Present Continuous affirmative, negative and interrogative; Simple present vs Present Continuous; Object pronouns (me, you, him, etc.); Verb phrases; Music; Like + (verb + -ing); Be or Do?; Past simple affirmative, negative and interrogative: of the verb to be, of regular verbs, of irregular verbs; There + verb to be (there is/are/was/were); Word formation for professions; Past time expressions; Verb phrases with go, have, get; Prepositions of place and movement (under, towards, etc.); The Weather and Seasons; Clothes; Ordinal numbers; Parts of the house;

Countable and uncountable nouns; a/an, some/any; How much/many; A lot of, lots of; Comparative adjectives; Superlative adjectives; Be going to (plans and predictions); Future time expressions; Adverbs (manner and modifiers); Infinitive; Definite article (the or no the); Present perfect; Present perfect versus Simple past; Food and beverages; Food containers; High numbers; Places and buildings; City vacations; Verb phrases; Common adverbs; Verbs that take the infinitive; Phones and the internet; Irregular past participles; Irregular verbs.

GRAMMAR: Word order in questions; Simple present; Final -s and -es endings; Present continuous; Simple past: regular and irregular verbs; Regular verbs: -ed endings; Past continuous; Weak forms; Be going to (plans and predictions); Present continuous (future arrangements); Defining relative clauses; Present perfect + yet and already; Present perfect or simple past? Something, anything, nothing, etc.
VOCABULARY: Getting to know each other; The Alphabet; Common verb phrases; Describing people's appearance and personality; Clothes; Prepositions of place; Hotel problems; Vacations; Prepositions of time and place: at, in, on; Describing photos; Verb Phrases; Airports; Verb + prepositions; Writing an informal e-mail; Paraphrasing; Restaurants; Housework; Make or do; Shopping; Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing; Weekends.

Comparative adjectives and adverbs, as…as; Superlatives (+ever +present perfect); Quantifiers, too, (not) enough; will/won’t (predictions and other uses); Opposite verbs; Verb + back; Review of verb forms (present, past, and future); Modifiers; Uses of the infinitive; Verbs + infinitive; Uses of the gerund; Verbs + gerund; Have to, don’t have to, must, must not, can’t; Adjectives + prepositions; Should; Get; If + present, will + base form (first conditional); Confusing verbs; Possessive pronouns; Adverbs of manner; Types of numbers; Describing a town or a city; Health and the body.

Second conditional; Present Perfect with for and since; Simple Past; Prepositions of movement; Phrasal verbs; Passive voice; Used to; Might; So and neither + auxiliaries; Time expressions; Reported speech; Questions without auxiliaries. Animals and insects; Sports; Inventions; School subjects.

Simple present and continuous, action and nonaction verbs; Future forms: present continuous, be going to, will / won’t; Present perfect and simple past; Present perfect + for / since, present perfect continuous; Comparatives and superlatives; Articles: a / an, the, no article; Obligation and prohibition: have to, must, should; Ability and possibility: can, could, be able to; Past tenses: simple, continuous, perfect; Past and present habits and states; Food and cooking; Family, adjectives of personality; Money; Strong adjectives (exhausted, amazing, etc.); Transportation; Collocation: verbs / adjectives + prepositions; Phone language; -ed / -ing adjectives; Sports; Relationships.

Passive voice of all verb tenses; Modals of deduction: might, can’t, must; First conditional and future time clauses + when, until; Second conditional, choosing between conditionals; Gerunds and infinitives; Reported speech sentences and questions; Third conditional; Quantifiers; Relative clauses: defining and nondefining; and tag questions; Movies vocabulary; The body; Education; Houses; Shopping; Making nouns from verbs; Making adjectives and adverbs; Compound nouns; Work; Electronic devices.